What i do

My services


Website design

Continue indulged speaking the was horrible for domestic position. Seeing get rather her you not esteem men settle is genius take excuse. Deal say over you age comparison new ham melancholy.

28 Projects

UX/UI Design

Continue indulged speaking the was horrible for domestic position. Seeing get rather her you not esteem men settle is genius take excuse. Deal say over you age comparison new ham melancholy.

74 Projects
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Years of experience


About Me

Creating designs
by own way

I'm an electrical and electronics engineer based in India, and I'm very passionate about web development. Since all Weblium templates are developed on the basis of a deep study of the niche and harmoniously combine the most current trends in web design, sometimes it’s enough to simply choose a template, add your own unique content and get a beautiful website with the perfect navigation for your type of busin.

Donwload CV


  • Name

    Sumayya Ali

  • Birthday

    29 June, 1993

  • Email


Personal Skill

  • 90%
    communication skill
  • 85%
    creative skill
  • 89%
    problem solving


  • electrical and electronics engineering

    indhira gandhi institute of engineering
    2011 - 2015

    The training provided by universities in order to prepare people to work in various sectors of the economy or areas of culture.

Recent Work

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